Saturday, September 29, 2007

Wonder Twins

Wonder Twins Activate: Form of Nick Verreos

Last month, my very good friend sent me this photo of himself---dressed up as ME!!! Well, needless to say, I just about fell off my chair! The first thought was "No he DIDN'T!!" The second thought was "What was this for? Halloween isn't for another month..." It seems that a mutual friend was having a Birthday party, and a very fabulous one, since it looks like he had his very own "Step-and-Repeat" Red Carpet for photo-ops. There was a sub-theme: Dress Like Your Favorite Reality Show Contestant. And my friend Spiro, seen here, chose to come as me. The fitted vest, the tie, the dress shirt, the hair--heck, he even walked around with his very own Barbie Doll, which he tried to dress like the one I did for the show back in Season Two. And of course, the piece de resistance : He even wore a faux beard and mustache! They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Spiro rocked it! I was also invited to the party but unfortunately, I was out of town (can you hear the violins playin'?). Wondering who I would have gone as? Probably Andrae... in a Red Lobster Uniform. Now that would have been a Kodak moment!