Saturday, June 30, 2007

Trying To Get Paris Hilton's Dior Sunglasses

My Brush With Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie

A couple of months ago, I received a call from a producer with Bunim/Murray Productions, the company known for creating The brand that has become MTV's Real World. At first , I was afraid, were they going to ask me to be on some sort of Real World: the Fashion Designer Edition? Well, I certainly would have said "No", especially if it would involve me taking my clothes off and jumping into a nasty hot tub with a bunch of useless 20 year old beer-loving kids! Next! Instead, the producer was asking me to be a Judge in an upcoming episode of Paris and Nicole's The Simple Life, another show produced by Bunim-Murray. For the new season, the girls were going to camp, and for this particular episode they were teaching little girls how to be beauty pageant winners. OK, my ears perked up. I was suddenly interested.

Then, he proceeded to tell me that there was a twist. The final pageant would NOT be for the daughters--but for their mothers instead. To coin Miss Paris Hilton: That's HOT! On several levels. I would get to meet THE Paris Hilton, and Miss Nicole Ritchie, all in one quick swoop. And judge a mommy-daughter beauty pageant. I had died and gone to Perez Hilton Heaven. We filmed in a Hilton Hotel(what a surprise) in Woodland Hills and had a fun time doing it. Paris and Nicole were a kick to say the least. When I was introduced to them, Nicole spoke up first and said "I love you, you were my favorite on the show", and Paris then added "You should have won..." This was all off camera so it was nice because they didn't have to say that. I was a bit distracted by the their over sized Dior sunglasses and brighter than bright ensembles, but somehow I still managed to say "Thank You". In fact, when the cameras finally went on, they asked us (the judges), what they could do for us to make their pageant girls have a winning edge? I quickly responded: "Can I have your Dior sunglasses and your Chanel bag?" (Think of the RECORD SCRATCHING SOUND right about now). They respectfully said "No". Divas to the end.

E! Entertainment is playing this "Beauty Pageant" episode currently as well as all the new season's episodes. Check your local listings or go online to E! Entertainment for times and dates. You can also click below or HERE and watch excerpts from my episode.