Thora Birch is a cute talented American actress, known for her role in the movie American Beauty and Ghost World.

Hi Project Runway fans! As you already know (of course!), the Premiere Episode of Project Runway Season 8 happened last night! Even though I am in Europe, I got to see it! Lifetime asked me to write the recaps for this brand new season so of course, I "made it work", almost 6,000 miles away from my LA home!
Nick Verreos says "Bonjour" from Paris France, YSL Retrospective Petit Palais
Here's to a new season of our beloved show and hope you read--and enjoy--all my Recaps which will be published on the website the day following each episode.
Here's a "tease" of my First Recap: Bonjour Designers! I am in Europe and happen to be writing this first Recap from Paris. The City of Lights and The City of Fashion! Yes, I know: Shut The Front Door! Thanks to the magic of hotel satellite TV, I can "Make It Work"! So let's get started.
Tim has dry cleaned his suits and wiped his glasses clean; Heidi has a new shag-a-delic 'do; Michael is re-bronzed and Nina has polished her new Louboutin's. This could only mean one thing: Project Runway is back! Seven seasons and...
Click HERE to continue reading my entire recap of Episode One of Project Runway Season 8