Friday, October 30, 2009

Gawker Nick Verreos Love--And A Note to all Sexy Warsaw Poland Office Workers

OK, so Friday morning rolled around (the day after Project Runway) and as it has become my custom, I have my big cup of coffee, sit down and get on the internets. For all these months, I LOVE reading the crazy Gawker/Defamer "Project Runway Recaps". I also secretly (I know I am coming out of the closet!) read their other recaps for the ridiculous Housewives of (fill in the city) and MTV's The Hills and The City whenever I feel like laughing out loud. I just like to read them to reassure myself that I'm not the ONLY one who thinks my brain cells are depleting when I'm watching those Housewives and MTV shows. But I digress...
This last Friday, I avoided them. I was afraid of the "Nick Verreos is NOOOOO Michael Kors" talk. But to my glee-fulness (is that a word?), someone sent me the link and told me the kind words the Recap said:

"Things We Loved
  • Nick Verreos: What a delightful surprise! Nick was kicked off way too early in season two and was one of the most talented and likeable designers in Runway history, and he filled in for Ms. Kors last night. Rather than a shrill, orange gay in a dumpy outfit, we got a witty, naturally olive gay in a dapper ensemble and it made us weep nostalic tears of joy. We're starting a campaign right now: for the upcoming L.A. seasons, replace Ms. Kors with Mr. Verreos. He's smart, knowledgeable, funny, and he knows exactly what the designers are going through on the show. He may not have the name recognition of Michael Kors, who is well know to all TJ Maxx shoppers the world over, but all the Runway diehards know who he is, and that will go a long way toward making us kinda sorta deal with this Lifetime b*******."
Awwww, I just clutched my pearls! Thank you Gawker Recap Writer. Please send any "We Want Nick To Judge Some More Petitions" to for that matter :)
To Read their entire Gawker Recap click HERE
And to my Angry Polish Bretheren: Pencil Pusher: Gordana's Look

I hear that you are a bit miffed at my "She looks like an office Worker from Warsaw Poland" comment regarding Gordana Gelhausen's sad grey suit look. Sorry I wasn't specific enough, I meant to say "From pre-Cold War Communist Warsaw Poland..." You see in TV land, you must be brief with your comments. I Need Your Communist Badge Number please: A Uniform from Eastern Europe

I didn't mean to be disrespectful to office workers in Warsaw Poland--it was a joke kiddies. I am sure that there are A LOT of sexy, glamorous and beautiful office workers in Warsaw Poland--and I am sure I will hear from them! You can go ahead and say that all Greek and Venezuelan office workers look sad and gray--and I won't take it personally.

And as Santino Rice so eloquently put it: "Lighten Up It's Just Fashion!"

Nick Verreos Judges Top Six on Project Runway!

...And the Part of Michael Kors Will Be Played By...Instructor Nick: Nick Verreos sitting with Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and Kerry Washington

What a whirlwind of a night last night! First, I hosted a fun OUT Magazine Fall Fashion event at the Macy's Men's Store in the Beverly Center from 7-9 PM, grabbed some dinner and then rushed home to watch Project Runway and of course, watch myself as I made a "special appearance" as a Guest Judge. Sitting next to Miss Heidi Klum is daunting enough---but Nina Garcia also?? Then they tell me the gorgeous actress--and L'oreal spokesperson--Kerry Washington was also going to be on hand! Let me tell you, I needed a couple extra tablets of Pepto Bismol to keep my stomach from making noises that even the designers up there on the runway would hear! Since I WAS there and spent nearly FOUR GRUELING hours of judging, from a real "insider's point of view" as well as a viewer,
Here are my Highlights (and lowlights of course!):

Are We Checking into the Plaza Athenee: Millionaire Arm Candy Looks

--Irina's Millionaire Playboy Arm Candy Uptown Look
: I swear that's all I could think about when I saw the model Kalyn come down the runway: The Camel-colored woolen and fur sweater wrap, the luxe-looking (even though I agree with Nina, it was a bit Michael Levine's Couch Fabric!) tapestry strapless mini dress, the styling. Yes, it all pointed to a former model from Russia who hooked up with an overweight, not-so-cute, but BILLIONARE Playboy.
--Althea's Winning Jodphurs: We all loved this look. Very now, very fresh. The pants were great and that sweater wrap (yes, ANOTHER sweater wrap) was so cozy! This was the same model as above, BUT with no need to have a Billionaire Magnate on her arm. She has already moved on to own her own Model Agency!

Miss Minnesota 2009: Prom Dress Nightmare vs. Christopher's Bed Sheet Gown

--Christopher's Two-For-One Dress
: At first glance, I was kinda liking it, as Katie stomped down the runway, but then--like a Caesar Salad that looks nice but then you begin tasting it and it has a bunch of anchovies--his dress made my face turn from "ah, that's nice" to "Oh dear, minor icky-poos". Nina's observation of a be-draggled bed sheet pretty much summed it up. He should have just ended it at the petals. Done.

Judy After Dark: Judy Jetson Halloween Costumes vs. Logan's zippered collar mini tucked-pouf look

--Everyone's Boyfriend Logan
Neitzel Gets Space Age-y: Ahhhh, sad sad sad. I am sure that half the population of America will be giving me dirty looks the next time I am spotted at some random airport, for having a 25% responsibility for booting cutie Logan. I feel bad, trust me. I wish he would have done a better outfit. I know that in the past, stepping out of your comfort zone (or going "out there") is rewarded on Project Runway, but this was the wrong "stepping out". To be honest, I REALLY disliked Gordana's and might have even scored her lower than Logan's but in the end, his Judy Jetson meets Background-Dancer-in-a-Cindy-Lauper video look lost.
But I still love me some Logan. He visited me--along with Carol Hannah Whitfield (draw your own conclusions kiddies!)--at my Downtown LA NIKOLAKI studio not to long ago to say "hey!" (see photo above). I gave him a Nick "hey!" hug back. I hear he's moving to New York City! You get 'em Logan!

Click HERE to read my entire recap on and click HERE for a fun little slide show the good people at did of some of my designs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nick Verreos Films Kmart Ad!

Layaway Anyone?

Earlier this month, I shot a fun little ad campaign for Kmart and Kmart Layaway. Kmart contacted me and because of the success of the great Sears 2008 Holiday Grant A Wish Commercial I did last year (along with Ty Pennington, LL Cool J and Vanessa Hudgens), they asked if I would want to be a part of Kmart's Holiday Layaway Campaign. Did you know that Kmart is the ONLY mass discount US retailer to have Layaway Online! I know, shut up!Two weeks ago was National Layaway Week (who knew?) and this is when the ads "rolled out" (yes, I am using a lot of Ad Terminology, try to keep up with me). I shot one in Spanish and in English. Yes, kiddies, I'm BI-lingual. The Spanish one was titled a Breve Informativo, or Brief Infomercial. I know, I should work at Berlitz! (not!). We shot it all at the Kmart in Burbank and I had a lot of fun with the sales associates (they were so patient and lovely!) and with the wonderful manager of the store, Lloyd (see above photo). All in all , I was honored to be representing Kmart and to have filmed a Breve Informativo for one of my favorite (yes, I like deals too!!!) stores.
Click HERE for an interview I just did regarding KMART LAYAWAY for the California Apparel News.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lina Marcela Mosquera: Miss Hispano Americano 2009 6th RU

Photo # 1 Thanks to Lina Marcela Mosquera and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7

Name: Lina Marcela Mosquera

Height: 5 ft and 11 inches

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Represented the state of : Choco

Country: Colombia

Pageants Joined and Titles Earned:

-Senorita Colombia 2008- Miss Colombia International

-Miss Continente Americano 2009- Winner

-Miss Hispano Americano 2009- 6th RU

-Miss International 2009

Photo Credits:

-All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Nick Verreos at the BoxEight Fashion:Refocus Event!

Just Another Sunday Night In Downtown LA...Housewives Meets Baywatch Meets Project Runway: Traci Bingham, designer Michael Costello, Tamra Barney and Nick Verreos at BOXeight Fashion:Refocus event

This last weekend, BOXeight, in conjunction with Flaunt Magazine and l.a. models, presented Fashion : Refocus, a weekend of designer installations, live
Spring/Summer 2010 look book photo shoots and overall, nightly fashion "partying".
Janica and Her Mohawk: Model Janica in Jerell Scott's Perter Gurnz photo installation

I was busy all weekend working (no rest for the "designer-wicked") but on Sunday, I opened a little window in my schedule when Alison Nieder, Executive Editor of California Apparel News, emailed and said "You wanna come with me and be my date?" Of course!
The Next Chanel Iman: Model at BOXeight Fashion:Refocus event

On Sunday, four designers, Kucoon, Jerell Scott (Project Runway Alumn), Linda Antico and Michael Costello were having photo shoots in various sets within the BOXeight Downtown Los Angeles "compound".
Jerell Post Apocalyptic: Jerell Scott and model

We walked in and immediately, I was taken aback by these post-apocalyptic exaggerated Mohawk hairstyles on a few of the models walking around.
I soon discovered these were designer Jerell Scott's "girls". BOXeight poster boy, the hot Peter Gurnz was photographing Jerell's line and the stage as well as the fashions were, "Giving You!". Peter asked me "Why am I not shooting YOUR line?" I wondered why he didn't call me also? Maybe next time. I guarantee that my gowns and his photos would produce "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR" G-L-A-M-O-U-R kiddies!Costello Pose: Michael Costello photo installation, BOXeight Fashion:Refocus event

Alison and I soon made our way from set to set and s
tumbled upon Michael Costello, a Palm Springs-based designer whom I met the week before at a Downtown Los Angeles Fashion Week event. A fellow Greek, cute and such a sweet guy, I was "done and done". His set was styled to parallel his Palm Springs Boutique. Give A Look: Lifetime's Models of The Runway Tanisha Harper and designer Michael Costello

All of a sudden I spotted a familiar face--and body--the one and only Tanisha Harper, model from Lifetime Network's Model's Of The Runway. She was one of the models in Michael's BOXeight photo shoot. After a bit of "little girl screaming" (OK, from me!), I let her do her job and pose for the photographer's camera!
A couple of Michael's clients were on hand to support: Actress Traci Bingham as well as one of the Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra Barney. Both were looking VERY bust-a-licious in their Michael Costello cocktail dresses.
Yep, this was my Sunday night in Downtown LA! See you next time kiddies!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nick Verreos Hosts OUT Magazine and Macy's INC's Fall Collection

I am so excited to be hosting a very special event at the Macy's Beverly Center on Thursday October 29Th at 7 PM--showcasing the new I.N.C./International Concepts Fall Collection for men. It's going to be a great night of shopping, cocktails, music and some hot boys (did I just say that?). Come to Macy's Beverly Center and then go home and watch Project Runway later! PS: That is not me on the Invite above--I only wish! Can't wait to see you there!
Where: Macy's Beverly Center, Los Angeles When: Thursday, October 29Th, 7 PM What: INC's Fall Menswear Collection Cocktails Hors d'oeuvres DJ
To RSVP: Call 818-509-6499
Or Click HERE for more information.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Nick Verreos Project Runway Season 6 Recap: Inspiration Challenge

Greek Goddesses? Santa Fe Turquoise Shop Owners? and Carole Cook Fantasies?

This week's Project Runway episode was all about the Michael Kors Inspiration Challenge. Surprisingly, he was there and not via SKYPE (let's take a moment for the fans to rejoice!). They were to design a look based on a fabulous locale. The whole time I kept thinking "Boy, I would have LOOOOVED this challenge!".Mykonos: My Season 2 Inspiration--for the entire show!

The Highlights (and or low-lights) of this Episode:

--Michael Kors: I can only imagine the sales associates at his Rodeo Drive Flagship, shaking in their cashmere Michael Kors turtlenecks when they found out that THE BOSS would be in the store.
--Christopher's Santa Fe ensemble: She looked like a waitress at the local Santa Fe Sizzler--or the proprietor of the local Trading Post.At least Christopher Straub's waitress at the Santa Fe Sizzler outfit didn't look like:
This...Or then again, maybe it should have!

--Carol Hannah Whitfield's leaf print Palm Beach look was Easy Breezy and perfect for the Palm Beach "it" girl. I still would have loved her more if she would have gone the whole Carole Cook Caftan route!
This Is What I'm Talking About! (Love ya Carole Cook!)

--Nicolas' Delusions of Greece: I love me some Nicolas but Lord knows what country he was thinking about, but it wasn't Greece.
NIKOLAKI Spring 2008: This ivory silk jersey one-shoulder dress above is Grecian-inspired, however...This grey and white pant look above, is not.

But not to worry, Nicolas Putvinski may have been "Auf'ed" by Miss Heidi, but he's done very good for himself afterward. In fact, Nicolas was part of the Behind The Dress Designer Challenge in which designers from across the country were asked to design a gown to be worn by the Trophy Girl at the Academy Awards back in January of this year. Nicolas Putvinski and his Oscar Challenge design

He did a beautiful job and in fact, when I hosted that web-show, he secretly told me how he was on the new season. I promised to keep my "Uncle Nick" mouth shut! And I kept my promise. He was very proud of his gown for the Oscars Challenge and with his performance on the show. If only he didn't have to wait a YEAR to see it, was his main complaint (I hear ya Nicolas!).

HERE to read my entire Recap for, and make sure to leave your thoughts! I may get some angry emails from Ukrainian Arms Dealer Trophy Wives and Santa Fe Store Owners...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nick Verreos: The Kevan Hall Spring 2010 Fashion Show: Universal Studios Backlot

Nick's Universal Studios!Tardy For The Party: Nick Verreos on the red carpet at Kevan Hall's Spring 2010 Runway Show

Last Saturday night was a busy one: I was invited to the very A-List black tie Opening Gala for the Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture Exhibit (as you may have read in my previous post) at FIDM Downtown and then I had to attend the Kevan Hall Spring 2010 Runway Show at Universal Studios. After spending two amazing hours enjoying the party and the wonderful Couture gowns at the museum, I realized that David and I only had fifteen minutes to somehow get to Universal Studios! We quickly got in our car and sat in: STOPPED TRAFFIC! I don't know what part of "It's a Saturday Night in Los Angeles" we did not understand? It eventually took us FORTY-FIVE minutes to get to our fashion show destination!Spanish Steps a la Kevan Hall: Designer Kevan Hall strikes a pose

The Kevan Hall show, which was co-sponsored by Ruznak Auto Group as well as Universal Studios, was being held at the Universal Studio's backlot and the invitation warned that there would be over 1000 guests and security would be very "tight". Gay Fashionsita Terrorists can be so harmful to runway shows. One never knows if Sacha Baron Cohen might be showing up as his over-the-top Austrian Bruno. PR Extraordinaire: Nick Verreos and Kevan Hall's pr DIVA, Margaret Schell

Running up the cobblestone streets of the studio's backlot (note to self: YSL Johnny Boots are not conducive to running!), we passed stunning automobiles: Audis, Bentleys, BMWs, Jaguars, Maybachs, Rolls Royces ...Yep, no recession happening here darlings! When we finally arrived at the location of the runway show, we were happy to see that the show had not begun yet, but it was about to and all the guests were already in their seats! Work It: A one-shouldered cocktail dress, Kevan Hall Spring 2010

In our standing-room-only section of "Tardy for the Party" late-comers, we ran into California Apparel News Publisher, Molly Rhodes, Executive Editor Alison Nieder and Fashion Editor Jayne Seward, so yes, David and I were not alone! I also said "hello" to Kevan's wife, Debbie, and dished on our memories of last year's Islands of The World Fashion Week in the Bahamas, where both Kevan and myself had shown our collections.My Fave: A strapless organza gown from Kevan Hall Spring 2010

The runway was set up below an enormous stage reminiscent of Rome's Spanish Steps. The show, entitled "The Getaway", featured lovely satin cocktail dresses and flowing gowns, which Kevan Hall is famous for. One of my favorites gowns being a peach strapless number with a Diamante waist brooch. These were dresses to perfectly compliment those stunning--and very expensive--cars that lined the walkway. Runway Close-Up: Lifetime's Models of the Runway model Tanisha Harper

On the runway, I spotted not one but TWO Project Runway Season 6: Models of The Runway: Lisa Blades and Tanisha Harper. They did a great job maneuvering what seemed like over 100 steps coming down! These girls are pros; no "Model Down" accidents here kiddies! It was a great show in a fabulous location--if only I could have put one of those Jaguars in my tuxedo jacket pocket, I would really be set to go on MY Getaway!

Click BELOW for the Final Runway Walk and Tableau of Kevan Hall Spring 2010 (We were next to the photographer's pit, so excuse the chattering, it's them!):

Nick Verreos Attends "High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture"

Haute Couture Grand DameBetsy Bloomingdale, in a 1986 Marc Bohan for Dior Haute Couture gown, stands next to the Marc Bohan "Wall" at FIDM

The Event:
This last Saturday was the Black Tie Gala Opening of High Style Betsy Bloomingdale and the Haute Couture at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising/FIDM Museum and Galleries. Curators Kevin Jones and Christina Johnson spent three years scouring the hallowed closets of one of the most celebrated Grande Dames of Fashion, Betsy Bloomingdale. The Exhibit spans over 30 years of Bloomingdale's love and admiration for Haute Couture and fine fashion, ranging from her first Couture purchases in the 1960s to her last one; a black silk crepe and chiffon from the late designer Gianfranco Ferre for Dior Couture. The Exhibit runs October 21st to December 13Th.

The Scene:
Glittering Tent: The Scene at the High Style Betsy Bloomindale/Haute Couture Gala

The tented party, held at the Grand Hope Park, adjacent to the FIDM campus was elegantly decorated with crystal "Chandeliers" dangling from its ceiling and greeted the VIP guests as they entered the party. In addition, exquisite white chairs, tables, mini-sofas, several fully-stocked open bars and delicious hors d'oeuvres tables "announced" to the gown-and-tuxedo crowd that this would truly be a very special event.

Seen On The Scene:
Mary Stephens and Nick Verreos, Betsy Bloomingdale/Haute Couture Exhibit Opening Gala

As soon as I arrived, I spotted Mary Stephens, Director of the FIDM Advanced Fashion Design/Debut Program, looking both elegant and modern in a black ensemble. I jumped up and down (literally!) when I saw my good friend Jane Cha, Executive Producer of Project Runway. Her date was the incredible R.J. Cutler, director of the Vogue documentary The September Issue. Jane Cha and R.J. Cutler, Betsy Bloomingdale/Haute Couture Exhibit Opening Gala

Also seen were Buzz Aldrin--the second person to set foot on the Moon back in 1969 and his beautiful wife Lois--as well as philanthropists Iris Cantor and Barbara Davis. I heard that many of Betsy Bloomingdale's family came out for this illustrious event, including her two sons and one daughter as well as her grandchildren. Buzz Aldrin and James Galanos, Betsy Bloomingdale/Haute Couture Exhibit Opening Gala

I got a quick glimpse of the star of the night, Betsy Bloomingdale, who was looking fabulous in an iridescent orange taffeta gown from Marc Bohan for the House of Dior. One of the many highlights of the night was when I recognized one of my fashion idols, designer James Galanos. Of course, I had to stop him and say "hello". That moment made my night!

The Couture:

Nick Verreos at the Betsy Bloomingdale/Haute Couture Exhibit, FIDM Museum and Galleries

By the time I made my way inside the exhibit, I had only about fifteen minutes to do a mini-tour (I had another event to attend, the Kevan Hall Spring 2010 Runway Show at Universal Studios). From what I saw, it made my arms tingle with excitement, I must say. All the "masters" were there: Christian Dior Haute Couture from designers Marc Bohan and Gianfranco Ferre, Galanos, Adolfo, Givenchy, Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent and others. There were video montages explaining the clothes, the art of Haute Couture and exclusive interviews with Monsieurs Givenchy, Bohan, Fracois Lesage and Bloomingdale herself. Even in my quick visit, I caught juicy "Couture Dish" from the videos like how Mrs. Bloomingdale and her Couture friends like Nan Kempner and Lynn Wyatt knew their importance within the Couture Houses and how their vendeuses (sales ladies) ALWAYS gave them "the right price". Love the dish!There is also an entire section devoted to the croquis (or sketches) from the design houses that were sent to Mrs. Bloomingdale after she had made her selections. As I was leaving, I spotted one of my favorite pieces in the exhibit: A canary yellow silk taffeta Dior Couture gown that was displayed with its inner corselette turned inside-out, so the viewer can see the stunning intricacy that really makes an Haute Couture gown (photo above). I will DEFINITELY have to return to see the exhibit with more patience. It deserves two hours if not more! It is a MUST SEE for anyone who loves fashion and the art of Haute Couture. Forget going to Paris, it's all in Downtown Los Angeles at the FIDM Museum and Galleries!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nick Verreos Attends "A Celebration of Valentino"/Paper Bag Princess Fashion Show!!

Vintage Couture at Downtown Los Angeles Fashion Week Nick Verreos with Leanna Lewis (in Elizabeth Mason Couture)

Last Thursday night, I was invited to a very special fashion show presentation as part of Downtown Los Angeles Fashion Week. The show, entitled A Celebration of Valentino, The Last Emperor was "curated" by Elizabeth Mason, stylish owner of vintage couture boutique The Paper Bag Princess and designer of her namesake Elizabeth Mason Couture line. The event was the official presentation of the Los Angeles Spirit Award For Style & Substance to actress and humanitarian (and style DIVA) Maria Bello.
Hourglass: Actress Maria Bello (in Elizabeth Mason Couture) at the "A Celebration of Valentino, the Last Emperor"

As we entered MOCA, I spotted my friend, Christopher Ciccone as well as LA City Department of Cultural Affairs and Style Ambassador, Cynthia Ruiz, my friend Raymundo Baltazar and Downtown LA Fashion Week co-organizer, Leanna Lewis (wearing Elizabeth Mason Couture, she confided). City of LA Lady In Red: Cynthia Ruiz flanked by Raymundo Baltazar and Nick Verreos

We chatted and enjoyed some yummy cocktails before the show. As my NIKOLAKI partner, David Paul and I sat down, I realized I was seated two seats away from actor Lukas Haas and spotted the "Latin Fabulous" Daisy Fuentes (I said "hello" and she was so beautiful and so sweet!) as well as actress Garcelle Beauvais, whom I co-hosted the Gen Art Fresh Faces of Fashion a couple of years back, across the runway.Justin Timberlake Who? My new obsession, singer Matt Goss, opening "A Celebration of Valentino, The Last Emperor"

A surprising highlight of the entire show was a show-stopping performance by my new favorite HOTTIE, singer Matt Goss, who has been dubbed "The New Frank Sinatra". He also just happens to be Daisy Fuentes' fiance (that's why she was there!). He poured his heart, soul (and singing pipes) into his show, backed by Robin Antin's Pussycat Dolls Las Vegas Dancers. The jaded LA fashionista audience barely blinked an eye when he finished but Lord knows I was hootin' and hollerin'. I didn't care. This guy is really good! You are one lucky girl, Daisy!A Vodka Martini, please: A 1960s chic one shoulder black silk chiffon caftan gown with feathers

The fashion show began, and curiously enough, there were no Valentino gowns in this fashion show. Elizabeth Mason explained in her run-of-show notes, that "after my 15 years as a couture vintage purveyor, I have less than a handful of vintage Valentino gowns...once acquired, they are forever cherished and rarely, if ever dispensed of". LA-Greek God: A 1980s James Galanos blouson sleeved gown

The show was her ode to Signore Garavani and his creations--and love of red. There were great vintage dresses and gowns--mostly in black --spanning the 1930s, 40s and 80s, featuring the creations of Irene, Adrian, Nolan Miller, Yves Saint Laurent, Versace, and one of my favorites, James Galanos. Walk Slowly: Spring/Summer 2010 Elizabeth Mason Couture red "Maria" gown

Included in the show were pieces from Mason's own line, Elizabeth Mason Couture, such as red silk taffeta wraps, and some VERY fitted (like a glove!) siren gowns (Maria Bello was wearing one). I can't imagine the knee sweep (Advanced Fashion School terminology, sorry kiddies) on them but trust me, these are gowns to stand and hold Martinis in--not to sit. Which is how it should be!

Click BELOW for a video of the final model exits, Elizabeth Mason Couture/Paper Bag Princess Fashion Show: