Friday, November 30, 2007

Debbie Matenopoulos wears Nick Verreos

Miss Greece!
I met the fabulous Debbie Matenopoulos, TV presenter and host of E! Entertainment's "The Daily 10" show, when she hosted the 2007 Los Angeles Fashion Awards. I was co-presenting the Inspiration Award to the executive producers of Project Runway, and was rushed backstage to prepare. Once back there, I also ran into my friend Decades Two owner and another fellow Greek, Christos Garkinos. I was introduced to Debbie by Christos and before you know it, we were having a major Greek Love Fest at the Orpheum Theater! We joked that we might as well be making Gyros and Souvlakis back there! Debbie started telling people that we would be handing complimentary Feta Cheese to everyone after the show was over!

The beautiful Debbie then told me how much she loved my designs and I told her how much I would love for her to wear one of my gowns for a "red carpet" event. We joked in Greek and then we were separated--I had to present the award and, well, she had to host the show, of course. Consequently, a week later, she was asked to host the 2007 Diversity Awards and her stylist asked if I could send over some gowns. To say that I was ecstatic to then find out that my "Miss Greece" had actually ended up wearing one of my designs to host the awards show is an understatement! She looked like a Goddess in my one shoulder, side-draped jersey gown.

It is a style, which I coincidentally titled "Athena" and featured in white for my recent W San Diego Spring 2008 Collection. To illustrate what a class act Debbie is, she sent me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers as a "Thank You". Most times, I am lucky if I get the dress back dry-cleaned from some people! Needless to say, the name of that style will now be changed to "Debbie" thank you very much.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sweet Redemption plus More-Episode 3 Recap

I just returned from spending three wonderful days in San Francisco where I was asked to host a fashion show/event (more on that in a later post) and literally dropped my suitcase and turned on the TV to watch this third episode of Season 4 Project Runway. Thank God for TiVo, since I got home after the episode aired and therefore could not have my weekly "Viewing Party" with Andrae, lots of champagne and cookies. For this particular episode, I decided to just put down several "thoughts". Hope you enjoy it and would love to read your feedback and thoughts on this episode.

1) Sweet Redemption:
While the episode unfolded--along with all the drama and frustrations--the words sweet redemption kept cropping up in my head, like little "Pop Up Video" bubbles. Now, let me preface my explanation by saying that I have had nothing but amazing opportunities as well as feel blessed by everything that has occurred in my life and my business as a result of being on the show. However, as you may remember, I was voted off Season 2 for making Daniel Vosovic a suit that was deemed "too feminine", as well as for a lack of pockets and jacket button/closures.

Yet, after seeing some of the creations in this episode, I could not help but feel a bit redeemed. Especially, since I remember at the time reading a lot of viewer comments saying something to the effect of "How could Nick not put buttons or pockets?" But somehow, I got to finish a fully lined jacket, a collared dress shirt, a silk scarf and skinny pants with a waistband and zip-fly in the SAME AMOUNT OF TIME as these designers. Go figure. Several of this season's designers could barely finish TWO pieces. It ain't that easy kids. Therefore, again, I have to ask the question I asked in my first recap: Are these really the most talented group of designers ever? (as Tim and Heidi proudly announced in the premiere episode).

Chloe Dao, the winner of Season 2, made a fabulous--and Challenge-winning--three-piece outfit for me, which included hand sewn buttonholes , mitered stripes and a fully lined vest. Season 3 winner, Jeffrey Sebelia made a great "Rock Star" outfit, which was (as far as I remember) fully finished also. So why couldn't these designers, who are supposed be more talented and have far more expertise than us, just finish a shirt or close the lining of a jacket? Just saying...

Now, back to the best and worst of the lot. Like the judges, I also had a difficult time trying to decide which outfit was the worst: Ricky's safety-pinned concoction, Sweet Pea's askew dress shirt or Carmen's 1920's Golf caddie go-go boy. In the end, Carmen 's badly fitting crotch was the one to go.

I did have a couple of favorites, most notably, Rami's, which looked straight out of the third floor at Saks Fifth Avenue Men's Store: Elegant, stylish and very Italian-looking. I also liked Kit's cardigan-like creation. He looked like a sexy "Mr. Rodgers". But the judges chose Jack's safe,well cut shirt and pants. It looked very much like it came from the Macy's I.N.C. brand.

2) Where did all those Men's Forms come from?
If I remember correctly , we didn't even have men's forms when we did our challenge. I actually had to fit it on one of the ladies forms in the room. Daniel Vosovic was a woman's 4, in case you are wondering, without the breasts of course! But, all of a sudden, when they return from the NBC Today Studios, there are a dozen men's forms at the Parsons Workroom. No explanation. Unfair and a bit bizarre.

3) Jack: It's called "Knocking Off"
Congratulations for winning this challenge, Jack. We loved your outfit as well as seeing your GINORMOUS pecs every other second, but there was no need to actually ruin your shorts and cut them to get the pattern. It's on page 535 of "Patternmaking for Fashion Design" by Helen Joseph-Armstrong, and is usually taught to every second year fashion design student. So, next time, no need to cut, just get that old tracing wheel out and some tissue paper and you are ready to go...

4) Speaking of GINORMOUS pecs...
Did a Bravo executive just write a big yellow "Post It" to the show's editors and say More Male Nude Skin? (I'm speaking to you Andy Cohen!!) What was going on? There was so much gratuitous display of male skin, I thought I was standing in front of an Abrecrombie and Fitch store! First, Jack was half naked through the entire episode. Then, after the constant parade of male models with their .00005 % fat content showcasing their taut bodies, I had to check my remote to see if the channel had changed to LOGO. But the sight of "I have the whitest teeth in all the United States of America", Tiki Barber (whom I admit I had no idea who he was) reassured me otherwise. Bravo knows its market demographic: It not only wants to make the gays and their girlfriends happy, but also the girlfriend's beer-drinking, football-watching husbands.
And finally:

5) Open Letter To Carmen:
Dear Carmen: There is a light at the end of the Project Runway Menswear Challenge Tunnel. I guarantee you will get a request (or two) to make your auf'ed ensemble for someone. Proof: Just ONE WEEK AGO, I received the following letter on my website regarding my "way too feminine suit" that I created for Daniel Vosovic TWO YEARS AGO, in which I was booted off the show for:

Dear Mr. Verreos, I actually just saw one of the episodes of Project Runway, and I am very interested in a suit that you constructed for another contestant, Daniel. I have been looking for a suit exactly like that forever. Do you still design men's suits, or is there someplace where you sell suits in that same style? If not, would you be interested in creating one? Please let me know.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day Recap

Episode 2: Fashion Icon on-a-Budget?

First of all, I hope everyone is having a nice Thanksgiving and you are able to celebrate with good friends and family. While you are enjoying all the turkey, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, here is some "Fashion Gobble Gobble"(sorry, I had to do that!) to hold you stuffed until next week.
Like last time, I will do this week's recap in question form. Ready, set, go...and don't forget to check all my grammatical errors...

1) Was This Episode Boring or Was It Just Me?
Following the footsteps of a not-so-memorable First Episode, I was ready for a really good one. I invited friends over (Andrae stopped by and brought Gelato--Yeaaay!) and served Champagne and cookies. We were ready. And all I got was a "Yawn". Now, don't get me wrong, I am not looking for drama, especially "Created Drama" (think last season's "Mother's Challenge" or my season's "Take Nick's Model"). I am not a fan of that. But it would be nice to see some "Fashion Drama". This episode had the potential, especially, with the amazing "guest star" Sarah Jessica Parker and the teaming up of designers. You know if SJP showed up in my season, I would have screamed so loud and jumped and clapped so much, it would have made my scene with Olympic Figure Skater Sasha Cohen seem like "chopped liver" in comparison. Because of previous season's infamous Team Challenges, one expected more discussion amongst the designers, friendly arguments even, and thoroughly interesting creations as a result. Other than Sweet Pea and Elisa's mulling over hand-rolled hems and spitting on the fabric(I bet the cameramen and sound guys just about died and went to heaven after they saw that!), nothing much occurred. In terms of the designs that won and lost, I liked Victorya's loose tunic of a dress with the cropped vest, but surprisingly, I also liked Elisa and Sweet Pea's "polymorphic" dress and cape. Great color, fashionably styled, yet wearable. Poor thing, "Oliver Twist" twin, Marion's design did look, as Michael Kors stated, like something Pocahontas would have worn. Also, I can't help but think how many of the designers did leggings/tights because they were influenced by what Sarah Jessica Parker was wearing when she met them.
Overall, though, I felt this was a rather uneventful episode with rather unremarkable clothes.

2) Was it Uneventful because of their Budget and the fact that they had to design for BITTEN?
So then I began thinking, could it have been the fact that they only had $15 for fabric and trims and had to design for a "budget" yet fashion-savvy line? First, I don't know how they found enough fabric to create an outfit, especially at Mood, only having $15. The last time I was there, I was hard-pressed to find their "Dollar Bin". Actually, I never saw one. So how did they do it? I guess poly/cotton jersey is cheap, but even at retail prices, these stores can charge up to $8/yard for it. I would need at least 2 yards to make a top and leggings , and that's it. I have spent all my budget. What about a zipper, lining, or another contrast fabric? I have a sneaky feeling somebody somewhere sneaked these designers some extra cash... Just saying.
Now, in regards to designing for Bitten, ponder the following: Would it have been more exciting of an episode if the designers had to create an ensemble for Sarah Jessica Parker, for the Black-tie Gala/Opening of a Metropolitan Museum Costume Exhibit, in which she would have worn the outfit? All I kept thinking of was that photo of her with Alexander McQueen in his "Couture-Tartan" design. I know some people may think that she was a "fashion disaster", but personally, this was GENIUS! Who else would do that? That's one of the many reasons I LOVE Sarah Jessica Parker. she takes fashion risks. I think this "fantasy" challenge would have been possibly more fun to watch. But I do understand the tie-in with SJP and her line.

3) Is the Second Episode of every season going to be an "Ode To Andrae Crying Episode"?
Now, remember, I was watching this episode with the fabulous Mr. Gonzalo, and he noted "Why is the second episode going to be about crying? I think I started a second episode trend " I cannot recall if anyone cried in the second episode of Season 3, but if they did, please let me know. But I could not believe all the tears that flowed in this episode. First Chris, then Ricky crying so early on in the challenge--he barely had met Sarah Jessica Parker for goodness sake--made me skeptically think that this was footage from his "exit interview" questionably interjected in the beginning of the episode. Then even Carmen joined in on the cry fest at elimination. The last straw was watching usually bitchy "I-am-the-fiercest-thing-since- John Galliano" Christian actually tear up. I swear I saw tears behind those Alain Mikli glasses of his!

See you next time, and keep on crying...and sewing!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fashion Spice!!

Once again I was on the Pink Carpet for the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (if you missed last year, click HERE), and had another amazing time! The question this year was "If you were a Spice Girl who would you be?" I got some fun answers and even got responses from the Spice Girl's themselves!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nick and Daphne on The Fashion Team

Here are the videos of my last appearance on The Fashion Team. As I previously wrote on this blog, I had a fantastic time filming yet another episode for the TV Guide Channel. They are the best people to work with, and I always have a great time with the crew, including all the cameramen, sound guys and Amanda, the wardrobe stylist...Speaking of wardrobe, be sure to check out Daphne, the "hostess-with-the-most-ess", she's wearing one of my dresses, a navy blue silk charmeuse mini-shirt dress.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

TV Guide Channel's The Fashion Team-Again???

Last Friday, I was asked to co-host the TV Guide Channel's The Fashion Team show once again with the effervescent Daphne Brogdon. I jumped at the chance since this time I would NOT have to be in full Marie Antoinette's "Dandy Cousin" 18TH Century costume. I would be in my own 2007 wardrobe, thank you very much!
I had a ball with Daphne, dishing on some red carpet fashions as well as TV Show fashions. As in every episode of The Fashion Team, we--the hosts--give the fashions a grade, from A to F. We graded shows (by how pertinent the fashions are to 'real life') that ranged from CSI: Miami(Loved it) to My Name Is Earl(you know I appreciate the Trailer Trash look!). We even graded the first Season 4 premiere episode of Project Runway. Daphne gave it a high grade. I , on the other hand, not so much (I'm still not over those baby doll dresses in a challenge where designers are supposed to 'Bring It'!). We also did a great interview with the Creative Director of LA-based high-end denim brand, Generic Jeans.
The episodes can be seen on the TV Guide Channel, beginning tonight (Sunday) at 7 PM, and in case you miss it, also throughout this week (Monday 12:00 AM, 4 PM; Wednesday 2 PM; Thursday 11 PM). But make sure to check your local listings since times may vary (I sound like a TV ad!)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Season 4 First Episode Recap... Sort of

The premiere of Season 4 Project Runway was upon us, and not a moment too soon! Instead of recapping the entire episode and spending way too much unnecessary space here, I want to try something different. Besides , I am sure that everyone and their mother from Honolulu to Poughkeepsie, and all those 15 year old kids who-have-become-YouTube-blog-phenomenons in between will surely be putting their two cents into who did their best, who made something "whickety-whack" and who "underwhelmed" them.

I want to pose Three "Uncle Nick Project Runway" Questions in regards to this first episode:

1) Is this really THE MOST TALENTED bunch of designers ever?
It's rather insulting for all the actual talent that has been seen from previous seasons who have created marvelous work. If I get sick and tired of hearing this tired line every season from my dear Tim Gunn, imagine how Kara Saun, Jay McCarroll , Chloe Dao and Jeffrey Sebelia feel? Especially after seeing this first episode. Or maybe they don't care. I haven't asked them lately... Irregardless, I feel that a lot of these dresses looked amateur, save Rami Kashou's. His was ethereal and beautifully draped. I know that for our season, we actually had a few days to create the garment we did for the Season 2 First Challenge, but still. Several of the dresses (Simone, Ricky) any girl can find in a local mall. An empire-cut baby doll? Really? Give me something kids! Inspire me!(Now, I am sounding like "Instructor Nick"!) Kit's looked straight out of "Hot Topic", and don't let me start on Elisa's turquoise ripped-into-shreds nightmare. In a non-reality show world, she would have been out. Lest we forget, it is still a TV show and Elisa would make for nice quirky "I design dresses based out of the grass I rub into my cloth" fodder worth watching. Simone
was forgettable, therefore she was the one to go.

2)Has Project Runway becoming the new "Real World"?

One more screen caption of Rami's tank top-wearing pecs and Jack's six-pack abs (I counted!) and the next thing I am going to see is them jump into a hot tub, get drunk and start, well you get the picture. Sexy sells, I get it. And nowadays, image is very important for designers. Look at Marc Jacobs' transformation from librarian-computer-grunge-geek to Chelsea hottie! But I don't want to start thinking that this Emmy-award nominated show is falling prey to MTV-style show of gratuitous skin. It's nice to watch, yes. But it's even better to watch the designers go through the motions of creating amazing garments--or crazy ones!

3) Do the Season 4 Models have that "WOW" factor the previous seasons ones did?
They are pretty, I do not deny that. But models should be extraordinarily pretty. Tarah, Danielle, Amanda, Marilinda...these girls turn heads. These new models don't have that "Wow" factor that Chloe's Grace did, for example. It is a known fact that the Project Runway models do not get paid for their time on the show and risk losing actual paying gigs, editorials, etc. by being there for 12 hours in a single day. Do you think that word has gotten around and agencies just don't want to risk that for their models or models don't feel the end result (What are they getting out of this?) is worth the time? Who knows. I just pose the question.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dayana Mendoza: In Gown

Name: Dayana Mendoza -Country: Venezuela -Pageant Joined: Miss Venezuela 2007
Photo Credit: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Where's John?

Mustaches are HOT!

A couple of weeks ago, my "old" friend John Wade invited me to a Marc Jacobs Trunk Show, showing the latest Spring 2008 runway collection at the Melrose Place boutique here in LA. I hadn't seen John in a while so I jumped into my car, got my skinniest of jeans on and headed to the Westside for a chance to see this controversial Marc Jacobs collection up close, and more importantly, to see my John! He was looking very 1980's Magnum P.I. with that mustache.
I got to view-and touch- some pieces from the collection, including the first look "No. 56", a corseted tulle and organza beaded creation, which I think cost about $8,000!! And we made one of our friends try on the little bubblegum pink jersey number from the show as well. One interesting note: All the samples said "Size 4", but they were altered to fit those teeny tiny runway models, so in actuality, a lot where size 0 or 2. The shoes were the best. Every woman is going to want to own those "backward" pumps.

John, by the way, is doing FABULOUSLY. He's part of a valued team that makes Marc Jacobs be the amazing design brand that it is. He had been in Savannah, Georgia for a while, helping open the the new Marc Jacobs store there and then moved to San Francisco, where he was sent to help re-organize that store.
Coincidentally, he had been working a lot with the window displays of all the West Coast stores (Las Vegas, LA, SF) and has moved back to Los Angeles, where he has just gotten a "very big promotion". Love that! He is doing very good indeed.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oh Patti!!!

A Beautiful Thing

Before you say anything: No, I did not, under any circumstances design the gown on the left shown very proudly (why?) by the Diva , Patti Labelle. I rarely comment here about other people's sites and blogs, however, that might change. One of my favorite sites is called GoFugYourself, where commentaries are made on celebrities who make unfortunate dress choices. "Fugly Is The New Pretty" is their motto and Bai Ling is their mascot! Their writing is biting, witty and very very funny. This last week they just about KILLED me with laughter with their commentary on Miss Patti Labelle. I just about forwarded the link to 50 friends and acquaintances on my Address Book! So tickled was I that I decided to give those Fug webmaster girls big props here on my little ol' blog.
If you are ever in need of a good laugh, then read the full posting HERE
It is simply GENIUS. Keep me laughing ladies and keep finding FUGS on that red carpet! Love ya!

Eco Chic--Going Green for Fashion!

In an effort to raise Eco-consciousness, NBC/Universal and all its entities, which of course includes the Bravo Network, proclaimed last week "Green Week". asked me to write a blog on Eco-chic and what that means to me. I decided to not just give a lecture of sorts about one should do, in terms of clothing, to be more "Green friendly", but also add a Southern California twist to it. I have been taking "baby steps" myself in being more Eco-conscious by (finally) getting separate waste baskets for cans, paper, etc. as well as replacing light bulbs, and so on.

In terms of clothing, I thing my love for "Green" was given enlightened when I created a (according to Michael Kors) vulgar and very Green dress, made completely out of plants for the infamous Garden Party/Flower Power Challenge from Season 2 of Project Runway. I also think I have come a long way, considering "Going Green" for me meant wearing TWO , not just one, puka shell necklaces! That's how much "Granola Crunch Eco-friendly" I could bring into my style atmosphere. And like Puka Shells are really Eco friendly! That could be debated...
For my entire blog on the Fashion Forward section :
Click HERE

Friday, November 9, 2007

Pageant Finals: Miss Earth 2007

The winners of Miss Earth 2007 from left to right: Silvana Santaella- Venezuela- Miss Earth Water 2007; Jessica Trisko-Canada- Miss Earth 2007; Pooja Chitgopekar- India- Miss Earth Air 2007; Angela Gomez- Spain -Miss Earth fire 2007. The venue was UP Theater at Quezon City. The number of candidates was 88. The date of pageant was November 7 2007.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Back In The Closet!

No, it's not what you think! asked to come take a peek at my Downtown Los Angeles Studio Loft several months ago, and somehow, under a dazed and confused stupor (just kidding) , I obliged. I thought it would be fun for people to see my studio as well as where I keep my overstuffed closet of clothes.
I admit, I am a bit of a clotheshorse and have trouble getting rid of things, so I just buy new closets to fit them all in. I have gotten better and do a "cleaning" every other month, and give away a lot of my clothes to worthwhile organizations like "Out Of The Closet". They also got a lot of fun photos of me holding up several pieces from my NIKOLAKI collection so you get a look inside my "Atelier" and where I have all my gowns --I look just like a Showroom Rep!

They even got me to show them my special pull-out drawer that encloses my tie collection(I have over 50!), it looks like a tie display at Barney's NY! Make sure to click on all the three pages , since they took a photo of the mini-shrine I have devoted to the my "Project Runway My Scene Barbie".
To View my Closet click HERE

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ferris State Michigan

Nick & Andrae Road Show:
Next Stop: Ferris State Michigan!
About a month ago, fellow Season 2 designer Andrae Gonzalo and I were invited by Ferris State University in Big Rapids Michigan to speak about (wait for it!) : Proper Business Attire for University Students going into the "work force" as well as about Project Runway. You take a guess what they were most interested in hearing? Yep, if you answered "Project Runway", you were right. After an hour discussion advice on what young men and women should wear when going to an interview, the first question revolved around whether or not Andrae ever got to go to Red Lobster with his (unsuspecting) made-up boyfriend, Tim Gunn!
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a camera so I asked several of the wonderful students who took photos, to email me the photos they took. Only one took me up on that offer (there were 400 attendees!) and that was Luke Mamo (seen here in his Middle Eastern-by-way-of-Urban-Outfitters- scarf). Him and his friends actually hail from CMU and study fashion there. Andrae and I had a wonderful time with our hosts at Ferris as well as meeting all the people (we signed 'autographs' and took photos afterwards for over an hour) who came out, during Midterms , to see us.
Afterwards, our hosts took us to Applebee's for a great dinner. Andrae and I were Applebee's 'virgins', therefore this was a treat! There was no "Red Lobster" in Big Rapids, but if there was, that's where we would have been. Our Big Rapids Sightseeing Tour culminated with going to a Gun and Liquor Store. I am not kidding: Welcome to Michigan: Here's a Gun and Liquor Store for your one-stop shopping convenience! Andrae and I went CRAZY! We'd never seen anything like that and really had fun, trying on some "huntin" fashion and buying some stuff. Don't worry , neither of us are animal hunters. We just hunt fashion victims!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Heidi's Halloween-Part TWO!!!!

Ghouls, Goblins, Ghosts and Britney?

If I was to sum up Halloween in Los Angeles it would come down to three things:
1. Traffic
2. Halloween Ho's and scary costumes
3. Paparazzi Madness

Here's my recap of the night: I attended Heidi Klum's annual Halloween bash to do some "red carpet" "Uncle Nick" dishing (see below for link to the YouTube video) as well as to have some fun. I dressed up as an 18th Century Courtesan and David was a Vampire a la Anne Rice's "Interview With A Vampire". I wish I could say that I actually made my fabulous costume, but alas, I would be lying. I got it from one of Southern California's oldest costumes houses, Western Costumes.

It took more than an hour to drive from my Downtown Los Angeles Studio to Hollywood. It's only a 10 mile trip! Did I tell you how much I HATE LA traffic. You'd think we Angelenos would be used to it but it still shocks the nerves. Last night, stuck in that infamous traffic, I was struck with an uneasy urge to want to MOVE TO A QUIET FARM in KANSAS!!

Once in the Green Door club, we made our way past all the costumed attendees and immediately met up with my partner-in-fashion-crimes, Season 2 designer Raymundo Balthazar looking like he was just at Oil Can Harry's (if you live in LA, you'll understand). We also ran into Season 4 designer, Rami Kashou, looking quite ghoulish. We also saw Season 2 designer Santino Rice hanging out with Season 3 winner Jeffrey Sebelia. After what seemed like an eternity (traffic inside the club mirrored the traffic outside!), we finally made it to the cordoned-off "VIP" area, where Heidi Klum was. Heidi was decked out in her hand-painted ensemble, dressed as a sexy scary cat. I am not exaggerating when I say this: Her figure looked FLAWLESS! I want to know her secret, besides having a trainer and a cook at her beck and call 24 hours a day...

At the VIP lounge, we recognized Director Quentin Tarantino and were introduced to Seal's brother, who looked quiet scary, like an extra from "28 Days Later". Desperate Housewives actor Kyle McLahlan and his wife, Desiree Gruber were also hanging out in Heidi's VIP room. Kyle looked hilarious as a golfer-gone-wrong with a golf ball stuck on his forehead! Desiree was a sexy catburglar who had just stolen a priceless diamond ring. We also ran into several good friends including Jane Cha, dressed as Riyo Mori, Miss Universe. Her powder blue gown was a perfectly bad hybrid of a prom dress and a bridesmaid dress. My friend Chad looked cute and wholesome as a sailor. I just wanted to pinch his cheeks all night long! I even ran into an ORBIT GUM GIRL!!

From the VIP area, I could see all the party goers and their costumes and quickly made this observation: Why do grown, intelligent women use Halloween as a night to bring out their "inner Ho". What is that about? And when did this phenomenon begin to occur? It baffles me. Heidi was COVERED from head toe and yet, she was still THE SEXIEST WOMAN at the club. There were so many "Naughty Nurse", "Naughty Nun", "Naughty housewife", I wanted to douse them all with alcohol. I am by no means a prude, but all that naughtiness isn't really necessary ladies.

Speaking of INNER HO'S: All of a sudden there was this mad rush in the club and before we knew it, we find out Britney Spears had entered the club! The party went from a regular club atmosphere to sheer madness because Britney had arrived. It went from being "Heidi's Halloween" to "Britney's Halloween" in 2.2 seconds. Like witnessing a car wreck, we decided to venture outside of the VIP area to to see if we could catch a glimpse of Miss Spears and headed for the bar. There, we found Britney wearing some heart-shaped glasses and sporting what looked like a feather boa--along with her entourage 0f about 10 hangers-on as well as a bunch of her angry-looking bodyguards. Party guests were shoving and pushing just to get a glimpse of her. It was very surreal. In all this madness, we spot Heidi actually walking to this bar area where Britney was. They greeted each other, posed for photos and POOF! Heidi was gone. In my bitchy mind, I concocted a fantasy conversation which had Heidi saying "Let me show her whose party this really is...!" Soon after, Britney left and so did we. Outside as she departed, what ensued looked like something out of the last night of Princess Diana's life: About 15 cars dangerously raced and screeched right behind her while about 50 paparazzi ran (cameras in tow) to get photos and film of her as she sped away. It was one of the most surreal moments I have ever been a part of. It was the prefect crazy ending to a crazy-and scary night.

To watch my fun YouTube video at Heidi's Halloween 2007 Red Carpet, Click HERE

and HERE to watch the TMZ Video where TMZ caught all those Halloween Ho's, as well as myself waiting to get my car.

Heidi's Halloween!-Part I

Spooky Designers!!

Just got back from Heidi Klum's fabulous Halloween party at Green Door in the heart of Hollywood and , needless to say, it was CRAZY! I dressed up as an 18TH Century FOP--like Marie Antoinette's best gay friend. After driving ONE HOUR from my Downtown LA Loft to Hollywood (usually it takes twenty minutes), I finally made it to Hollywood. After reaching the Green Door , I did some of my Heidi's Halloween "red carpet" dishing and I made my way inside the club.

Besides the usual suspects of Hollywood industry hangers-on, I finally saw the real thing: There she was, Miss Heidi Klum, dressed as a mysterious and sexy cat-woman donned in a stretch velvet hand-painted cat-suit with whiskers, colored contact lenses and all. Before I knew it, it was a Project Runway-meets-Halloween-free-for-all: There was Santino Rice as an Indonesian Priest giving Halloween blessings and then, a scary, yet still sexy(future cover boy for OUT Magazine much?) Season Four Rami Kashou and a Gay Cowboy Raymundo Balthazar ( Watch out: Raymundo has got a line-dancin' trick under his Western Shirt!) With all that, you have the ingredients for a very nasty, yet fashionable and fun, Heidi's Halloween.

Did I add the fact that Miss Britney Spears was there too? All in her heart-shaped sunglasses and all. She caused quite a stir at the club, let me tell you. Heidi was at the VIP lounge and Britney was near the bar sitting in a separate part of the club. Wanna bet both parties met up? Gimme More....

Yep, you know they did! And I will tell you next time what happened... Happy Halloween y'all!